Your most beautiful home and/or office!

Your most beautiful home and/or office!

Where are we

Rod. Gether Lopes de Farias
Km32 – Ângelo Frechiani – Colatina ES


+55 27 3743-3000


Why White Siena

White Siena is one of the most sought after granites by architects and interior designers..


Branco Siena it is formed in nature four billion years ago, from the slow cooling of various minerals.


It has high impact and scratch resistance. This provides more durability compared to other types of granite.


It is a clear material, with light nuances. It is ideal for creating bright and cozy environments.



Branco Siena does not show stains if it comes into contact with liquids and metals or if it is exposed to sea air.

Branco Siena

A unique material for an exclusive decoration

Italian inspiration

The name of the favorite granite by professionals of Architecture and Decoration was inspired by a beautiful landscape in Italy.

Siena, in the Tuscany region, is famous for its white marble cathedral and terracotta-colored terraces.

As the minerals present in Branco Siena recall the characteristic colors of the city, the material was named in his honor.

Technical information

Branco Siena is formed by the minerals plagioclase, quartz, micropertitic alkaline feldspar, garnet and orthopyroxene.

The result is a delicate but stainless, durable and highly resistant product.

Branco Siena classification

White Siena is formed from the slow cooling of various minerals in nature. This allows it to have a unique appearance. Each sheet of material available in a marble shop is unique. The quality is the same, what changes is the appearance of the material.

Talk to your marble worker about Siena White Granite Grading. It will indicate the best option for your project!

A certified granite


Branco Siena® is a product of Cattegran Granitos do Brasil, with a registered trademark at the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), of the Ministry of Economy.

Supply guarantee


The Espírito Santo company in the ornamental stone sector has its own deposit in Branco Siena in the north of Espírito Santo and guarantees the supply of any volume of material.


A unique material for an exclusive decoration

Branco Siena can be applied in different environments, such as living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, balconies, barbecues, gourmet spaces, swimming pools, gardens, offices, receptions, etc.

Branco Siena is one of the most sought after granites by architects and interior designers.

Rod. Gether Lopes de Faria, Km 32 – Ângelo Frechiani, Colatina/ES
Telephone: 27 3743-3000

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